If the exhibits and announcements at formnext 2017 in Frankfurt this month are any indication, 2018 will be the year of metal for 3D printing.
There is nothing new about printing with metal per se, but this year saw several key announcements from 3D printer and software vendors. Right now metal is a high-end proposition, limited to the largest manufacturers with the highest requirements and the largest budgets. The news from formnext is a positive indication that metal printing is moving closer to wide-range adoption as currently enjoyed by the more mature polymer-based 3D printing technologies.
Read the complete article, “Metal 3D Printing Takes Center State at formnext 2017” by Consilia Vektor’s Randall Newton at http://www.rapidreadytech.com/2017/11/metal-3d-printing-takes-center-stage-at-formnext-2017/
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